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Artists : S
- S & M Project
- S Club
- S Club 7
- S Club 8
- S Club Juniors
- S'Express
- S-Express
- S. Arima And New Creators
- S.A.D.O.
- S.C.U.M.
- S.L.P. (Kasabian)
- S.O.S. Band
- S/SGT Barry Sadler
- Sabbat
- Sabotuers (Raconteurs / White Stripes)
- Sabre
- Sabres Of Paradise
- Sabrina
- Sabu
- Sabu, Paul
- Sacred Spirit
- Sacrilege
- Sad Cafe
- Sade
- Saga
- Sagan, Carl
- Sagittarius / Sandy Salisbury
- Sahara Hotnights
- Sailor
- Sain, Oliver
- Saint Etienne
- Saint Marie, Buffy
- Saint, Roxy
- Sainte Marie, Buffy
- Saints, The
- Sakamoto, Riuichi
- Sakamoto, Ruichi
- Sakamoto, Ryuichi
- Salad
- Salako
- Salamanda
- Salamander
- Salem Mass
- Salford Jets
- Saliva
- Salmontails
- Salomon String Quartet
- Salsoul Orchestra
- Salt 'N' Pepa
- Salt Tank
- Salty Dog
- Salvation
- Salvo / Kashmere and Chester P
- Sam & Dave
- Sam Apple Pie
- Sam Butera And The Witnesses
- Sam Gopal
- Sam Moore / Lou Reed
- Sam Sparro
- Sam The Sham & The Pharaohs
- Sam The Sham And The Pharohs
- Samhain
- Sammy Davis Jr.
- Sammy Davis Jr. / Count Basie
- Sammy Hagar
- Sample, Joe
- Sampson, Dave
- Samson
- Samurai
- San Cisco
- San Remo Golden Strings
- Sanborn, David
- Sancez, Roger (Feat. Sharleen (Texas))
- Sanchez, Roger feat. Sharleen Spiteri (Texas)
- Sanderling, Kurt / Philharmonia Orchestra
- Sandford, Chris
- Sandie Shaw
- Sandie Shaw / Smiths
- Sandkings
- Sandpipers, The
- Sandra
- Sands, Tommy
- Santa Cruz
- Santamaria, Mongo
- Santana
- Santana feat. Everlast
- Santers
- Santiago, Jeremias
- Santigold
- Santo and Johnny
- Santone / Blake Baxter / XZILE / DJ At Will
- Saracen
- Sarah & Rita Keane
- Sarah Cracknell (Saint Etienne)
- Sarah Vaughan / Billy Eckstine
- Saraya
- Sardi vs Bad Robot & Muller
- Sargeant, Bob
- Saridis, Saverio
- Sarne, Mike
- Sarney, Joy
- Sarofeen / Smoke
- Saropoly
- Sarstedt, Peter
- Sarstedt, Robin
- Sartain, Dan
- Sash!
- Sasha
- Sasha & Maria
- Sassafaras
- Satan's Rats
- Satans Mineons
- Satellite
- Satin Peaches, The
- Satisfaction
- Satriani, Joe
- Saturdays
- Saturnalia Temple
- Sauna Youth
- Sausage Kings of Chicago
- Savage Garden
- Savage Rose
- Savages
- Savatage
- Saved By Zero
- Savoy Brown
- Sawano, Hiroyuki
- Saxon
- Saxon, Al
- Saxophonettes, The
- Sayer, Leo
- Sayle, Alexei
- Scafell Pike
- Scaffold, The
- Scaggs, Boz
- Scan X
- Scandal
- Scandal / Patty Smyth
- Scaramanga Six, The
- Scarce
- Scare, The
- Scarfo
- Scarlet Fantastic
- Scars
- Scars On Broadway (System Of A Down)
- Scat Opera
- Scene, The
- Scheer
- Scheme Songs
- Scherzinger, Nicole
- Schifrin, Lalo
- Schlammpeitziger
- Schnauss, Ulrich
- Schneider TM
- Schnitzler, Conrad
- Schon & Hammer
- School Of Seven Bells
- Schtum
- Schulze, Klaus
- Schumacher, Thomas
- Schwab
- Schwarzarbeit
- Sciasa, Armando
- Scientist / Mad Professor
- Scientist, The
- Scissor Sisters
- Scissor Sisters / Fox
- Scooch
- Scooter
- Scooter Girl
- Scooter Vs Status Quo
- Scorpio Rising
- Scorpions
- Scotch
- Scotch Bonnets
- Scott 4
- Scott 4 / Jeans
- Scott Grooves
- Scott Walker (Walker Brothers)
- Scott Walker / Sunn O)))
- Scott, Jack
- Scott, Jaime and The Town
- Scott, Jill
- Scott, Linda
- Scott, Mike (Waterboys)
- Scott-Heron, Gil
- Scottish World Cup Squad
- Scouting For Girls
- Scraping Foetus Off The Wheel
- Scratch and Company (Lee Perry / Upsetters
- Scream
- Screamin' Tony Baxter
- Screaming Ameebas
- Screaming Blue Messiahs
- Screaming Jets, The
- Screaming Lights
- Screaming Lord Sutch
- Screaming Trees
- Screaming Trees (Queens of the Stone Age)
- Screeching Weasel
- Screen 3
- Screw 32 / Fury 66
- Scritti Politti
- Scritti Politti / Shabba Ranks
- Scum Pups
- Scum Pups (Mega City 4 / Senseless Things)
- Sea Fever
- Sea Fruit
- Sea Urchins
- Sea, The
- Seachange
- Seafood
- Seahorses, The (Stone Roses)
- Seal
- Seals & Croft
- Seals, Son
- Searchers, The
- Seasick Steve
- Seatrain
- Sebadoh
- Secada, Jon
- Secombe, Harry
- Second City Sound
- Second Hand
- Secret Affair
- Secret Knowledge
- Secret Machines
- Secret Mission
- Secret Show, The
- Secret, The
- Sect (Front Line Assembly)
- Section X
- Sector 27 (Tom Robinson)
- Sedaka, Neil
- See See Rider
- Seefeel
- Seeger, Pete
- Seekers, The
- Seether
- Segall, Ty
- Seger, Bob
- Seldiy Bate / Nigel Bourne
- Selecter / Beat
- Selecter, The
- Selecter, The + Bim Skala Bim + House Of Rhythm
- Selfish Cunt
- Sellers, Peter
- Semisonic
- Senate (Spear Of Destiny)
- Senate (Theatre of Hate / Spear of Destiny)
- Sensational Alex Harvey Band, The
- Sense
- Senseless Things
- Senser
- Sensible Gray Cells (Damned)
- Seona Dancing
- Sepultura
- Sepultura / Moonspell / Beyond Fear
- Sequential
- Serafin
- Serge Baudo / Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra
- Sergeant Buzfuz
- Sergey
- Sergio Mendes & Brasil '77
- Serious Drinking
- Serj Tankian (System Of A Down)
- Servant, The
- Sessions, The
- Set Up System
- Settlers, The
- Setzer, Brian
- Seventh Wave
- Seville, David
- Sex Gang Children
- Sex Pistols
- Sex Pistols / Sid Vicious
- Sexsmith, Ron
- Sexton, Ann
- Sexton, Charlie
- SFB Vs David Bowie
- Shack
- Shades Of Love (Junior Vasquez)
- Shades Of Rhythm
- Shadow Gallery
- Shadow King (Foreigner / Whitesnake / Dio)
- Shadowland
- Shadows Fall
- Shadows Of The Knight
- Shadows, The
- Shadows, The / Hank Marvin
- Shaft
- Shakatak
- Shakers
- Shakespear's Sister
- Shakespeare's Sister
- Shakespeare, J.N.
- Shakin' Pyramids
- Shakin' Stevens
- Shakira
- Shakti / John McLaughlin
- Shalamar
- Sham 69
- Shambeko! Say Wah!
- Shame
- Shamen Vs Bam Bam
- Shamen, The
- Shampistols (Sex Pistols / Sham 69)
- Shampoo
- Shand, Jimmy
- Shand, Jimmy And His Band
- Shangri-Las
- Shanie
- Shanie (Alex Party)
- Shankar, Ananda
- Shankar, Ravi
- Shannon
- Shannon, Del
- Shape Of The Rain
- Shapeshifters
- Shapiro, Helen
- Shapiro, Sally
- Shark Island
- Sharkboy
- Sharkey, Feargal
- Sharonettes, The
- Sharpe / Numan
- Shatner, William
- Shaun Ryder (Happy Mondays)
- Shaun William Ryder (Happy Mondays)
- Shaw, Artie
- Shaw, Mark (Then Jerico)
- Shaw, Sandie
- Shaw, Sandie (Smiths)
- Shcifrin, Lalo
- She & Him
- She Rockers
- She Said Destroy
- Shearing, George
- Shearston, Gary
- Shed Seven
- Sheena Easton
- Sheep On Drugs
- Sheer Khan
- Sheeran, Ed
- Sheila E
- Sheila E. (Prince)
- Sheldon, Doug
- Shellac
- Shelley, Peter
- Shelter
- Shelton, Anne
- Shelton, Joe
- Shena
- Shenley Court Folk Song Group
- Shepard, Vonda
- Shepherd, Vonda
- Shepp, Archie
- Sheppard, Andy
- Sherburn, Chris & Denny Bartley
- Sheriff
- Sherwood, Adrian
- Sherwood, Denise
- Sherwood, Holly
- Sheryl Crow / Garbage
- Shimon
- Shine !
- Shinehead
- Shiner
- Shining
- Shining, The (Verve)
- Shins
- Shiny Toy Guns
- Shirelles
- Shirley and Dolly Collins
- Shirley Collins & Dolly Collins
- Shirley Collins and The Albion Country Band
- Shirley James and Danny Ray
- Shirts, THe
- Shiva
- Shivaree
- Shock Split
- Shocked, Michelle
- Shocking Pinks
- Shogun
- Shondell, Troy
- Shonen Knife
- Shooter
- Shooting Star
- Shop Boyz
- Shore, Dinah
- Shorter, Wayne
- Shotgun Messiah
- Shotgun Symphony
- Shout Out Louds
- Show of Hands
- showaddywaddy
- Showdown, The
- Shpongle
- Shriek
- Shriekback
- Shure
- Shut Up And Dance
- Shut Up And Dance / Ragga Twins
- Shut Up And Dance feat. Erin
- Shut Up And Dance feat. Ragga Twins
- Shut Your Eyes And You'll Burst Into Flames
- Shwayze
- Shy
- Shychild
- Shywolf
- Si Zentner And His Orchestra
- Sibelius / Sir John Barbirolli
- Siciliano, Dani
- Sick & Wrong
- Sick Anchors
- Sick Of It All
- Sid Vicious (Sex Pistols)
- Siddeleys
- Sidebottom, Frank
- Sidewinder
- Sidney Bechet With Bob Scobey's Frisco Band
- Sidney, George And Jackie
- Sidran, Ben
- Siffer, Roger
- Siffre, Labi
- Siglo XX
- Sign
- Sigue Sigue Sputnik
- Sigur Ros
- Sigur Ros / Hilmar Orn Hilmarsson
- Silencers
- Silent Force
- SIlent League, The
- SIlent Rage
- SIlent Running
- Silhouette
- Silhouettes
- Silhouettes / Isley Brothers / Little Anthony & The Imperials
- Silicon Teens
- SIlk, Jim
- Silkie
- Sill, Judee
- Silly Wizard
- Silmple Minds
- Silver Jews (Lambchop)
- SIlver Metre
- Silver Sun
- Silverchair
- Silverfish
- Silverhead
- Silversun Pickups
- Simian
- Simian Mobile Disco
- Simmons, Gene
- Simmons, Gene (Kiss)
- Simon & Garfunkel
- Simon Dupree & Big Sound
- Simon Dupree & The Big Sound
- Simon King versus The King Of Luxembourg
- Simon May Orchestra
- Simon Webbe (Blue)
- Simon, Carly
- Simon, Joe
- Simon, Paul
- Simon, Plug & Grimes
- Simone, Nina
- Simple Kid
- Simple Minds
- Simple Plan
- Simply Red
- Simpson, Jessica
- Sims, Kym
- Sinatra, Frank
- Sinatra, Frank / Bing Crosby / Grace Kelly / Cole Porter
- SInatra, Nancy
- Sinatra, Sinatra
- Sinatras
- Since By Man
- Sinceros, The
- Sinclair, Levinsky
- Sinclar, Bob
- Sinclar, Bob & Steve Edwards
- Sinclar, Bob presents Fireball
- Sincola / Engine 88
- Sinead O'Connor (Various and U2)
- Sinfonia Of London / Ambrosian Singers / John Neville
- Sing Sing (Lush)
- Sing Sing (Lush) / Linoleum
- Singer, Hal
- Singers & Players
- Singing Francine
- Singing Nun, The
- Singing Postman
- Sinita
- Sinitta
- Sink Ya Teeth
- Sinkadus
- Sinking Citizenship, The
- Sinnamon
- SInner
- Siobhan Fahey (Shakespeare's Sister)
- Siobhan Maher-Kennedy (River City People)
- Siouxie and the Banshees
- Siouxsie
- Siouxsie & The Banshees
- Siouxsie and theBanshees
- Sir Chauncey
- Sir Douglas Quintet
- Sir Georg Solti / Kiri Te Kanawa
- Sir Ivan
- Sir Sidney Saithswaite & The Garbage Collectors
- Sir Thomas Beecham / Handel
- Sir Thomas Beecham / Schubert / Beethoven
- Sirenia
- Sirens
- Sisqo
- SIssle, Noble
- Sister 2 Sister
- Sister Double Happiness
- Sister Rosetta Tharpe
- Sister Rosetta Thorpe
- Sister Sledge
- Sister Vanilla (Jesus And Mary Chain)
- Sisterhood (Sisters Of Mercy)
- Sisters Of Mercy
- Situationists, The
- Six By Seven
- Six Feet Under
- Six Organs Of Admittance
- Sixpence None The Richer
- Sixtoo
- Sixx A.M. (Motley Crue)
- Size, Roni
- Sizer Barker
- Skabilly Rebels
- Skagarack
- Skaggs, Ricky
- Skalpel
- Skatalites
- Skatenigs (Ministry)
- Skeeter Davis & NRBQ
- Skeeter Davis / NRBQ
- Skeletal Family
- Skellern, Peter
- Ski Patrol
- Skid Row
- Skid Row (Gary Moore)
- Skid Row / Winger
- Skids
- Skin
- Skin (Skunk Anansie)
- Skin Chamber
- Skin Lagoon
- Skinned Teeth / Raooul
- Skinny Puppy
- Skip James
- Skitty / DJ Wildchild
- Skunk Anansie
- Sky
- Skye
- Skye, Lucy
- Skyhooks
- Skyliners
- Skyscraper
- Skyy
- SL2
- Slab
- Slacker
- Slade
- Slade. Paul
- Slade/Mike Hugg
- Slam
- Slam Slam
- Slapp Happy
- Slash
- Slater
- Slater, Luke
- Slaughter
- Slaughter And The Dogs
- Slave
- Slaves
- Slayer
- Slayer / TSOL
- Sleaford Mods
- Sleaford Mods / Sudden Infant
- Sledge, Percy
- Sleep
- Sleeper
- Sleepy Jackson, The
- Sleepy Sun
- Sleigh Bells
- Slender Loris
- Slick Rick
- Slick, Grace
- Slide
- Slim Thug
- Slingbacks
- Slipknot
- Slipstream
- Slits
- Sloan
- Sloley, Glenn
- Sloman, John
- Slow Fade
- Slow Readers Club
- Slowdive
- Sludge Nation
- Sludgefeast
- Slugworth
- Slum Gang
- Slush
- Sluts Of Trust
- Sly & Robbie
- Sly & the Family Stone
- Sly Fox
- Small Faces
- Small Town Heroes
- Smaller
- Smart E's
- Smart, Leroy
- Smartbomb
- Smashed Gladys
- Smashing Pumpkins, The
- Smashmouth
- SMD (Slipmatt / Hixxy)
- Smile (Queen)
- Smiles, The
- Smiley Culture
- Smiley Lewis
- Smith, Aidan
- Smith, Bessie
- Smith, Darden
- Smith, Eddie with the Hornets
- Smith, Elliott
- Smith, Ethel
- Smith, Gordon
- Smith, Jabbo
- Smith, Jimmy
- Smith, Jimmy (George Benson)
- Smith, Keeley
- Smith, Keely
- Smith, Patti
- Smith, Ray
- Smith, Roger
- Smith, Simon "Bassline"
- Smith, Tommy
- Smith, Warren
- Smith, Will
- Smithereens, The
- Smiths (Morrissey)
- Smiths, The
- Smog
- Smoke & Jackal (Kings Of Leon)
- Smoke Fairies
- Smoke Or Fire
- Smokey Robinson & The Miracles
- Smokie
- Smokie
- Smokie
- Smokin Beats
- Smokin' Mojo Filters (Paul Weller / Noel Gallagher / Paul McCartney etc.)
- Smooth, Joe
- Smoothie, Jean Jacques
- Smudge
- Smut Peddlers
- Snafu (Whitesnake)
- Snakebite
- Snakefinger (Residents)
- Snap
- Snapdragons, The
- Snapped Ankles
- Sneaker Pimps
- Sneakers
- Sneaky
- Sneddon, David
- Snider, Todd
- Sniff 'n' The Tears
- Snips
- Snips (Ultravox)
- Snoop Dogg feat. R. Kelly
- Snoop Doggy Dog
- Snow
- Snow Patrol
- Snow Patrol / Stone Lions
- Snow, Hank
- Snowbird
- Snowblind
- Snowdogs
- Snowman
- Snowy White
- Snuff
- Snug
- Social Distortion
- Soda
- Soen
- Soft Boys
- Soft Boys (Robyn Hitchcock)
- Soft Cell
- Soft Cell (Marc Almond)
- Soft House Co.
- Soft Machine
- Soft Parade, The
- Softies
- Soho
- Soil
- Soko
- Solabeat Alliance
- Solange
- Solar Flares (Prisoners)
- Solar Race
- Solasso V Bananarama
- Solasso Vs. Bananarama
- Soledad Brothers
- Solo
- Solomon Ilori And His Afro-Drum Ensemble
- Solomon Jabbiy
- Solstice
- Solution
- Somatic
- Some Day Blue
- Some Girls
- Some Kinda Earthquake
- Some, Belouis
- Someone
- Somerville, Jimmy
- Somethin' Smith & The Redheads
- Something Corporate
- Something Pretty Beautiful
- Sometree
- Son House
- Son Of Space
- Sonia
- Sonic Boom
- Sonic Boom Six
- Sonic Dragolgo
- Sonic Experience
- Sonic Hearts
- Sonic Solution
- Sonic Syndicate
- Sonic Youth
- Sonic Youth / Mudhoney
- Sonic Youth / Pastels
- Sonics, The
- Soniq Circus
- Sonny
- Sonny & Cher
- Sonny Boy Williamson
- Sonny Terry / Brownie McGhee
- Sonny Terry / Johnny Winter / Willie Dixon
- Sons And Daughters
- Sons Of Angels
- Sons Of Champlin / New Riders Of The Purple Sage / Grateful Dead
- Sons Of The Desert
- Sony
- Sonz of a Loop D Loop Era & The Scratchadelic Experience
- Sonz Of A Loop Da Loop Era & The Scratchadelic Experience
- Sophie Ellis Bextor
- Sorcerer
- Soso, Winston
- Sotos
- Soul Asylum
- Soul Designer
- Soul II Soul
- Soul Syndicate
- Soul To Soul
- Soul, David
- Soulfly
- Soulja Boy feat. Arab
- Souls Of Mischief
- Soulseekerz
- Soulseekerz ft. Kate Smith
- Soulstance
- Soulwax
- Sound 'n' Vision
- Sound 5
- Sound Associates
- Sound Corp.
- Sound Effects
- Soundgarden
- Soundlab
- Sounds
- Sounds From The Ground
- Sounds Galactic
- Sounds Incorporated
- Sounds Nice
- Sounds of Lane, The
- Soundtrack of our Lives
- Soungarden
- Soup Dragons, The
- Source of Tide
- Source, The (Candi Staton)
- South
- South Bank Orchestra
- South Park
- Souther Hillman Furay Band (Byrds)
- Southern Death Cult (The Cult)
- Southern Ramblers
- Southside Johnny & The Asbury Jukes
- Southwind Symphony
- Sozzi, Kim
- Space
- Space (And Catatonia)
- Space (KLF / JAMMS)
- Space / Catatonia
- Space Art
- Space Raiders
- Spacedust
- Spacehog
- Spacemen 3
- Spacemonkeyz Vs Gorillaz
- Spacetime Continuum
- Spaceways (DJ Food / Coldcut)
- Span
- Spandau Ballet
- Spanier, Mugsy / Sidney Bechet
- Spann, Otis
- Sparehed 3
- Sparklehorse
- Sparks
- Sparta
- Spartacus
- Spear Of Destiny
- Spearhead (Michael Franti / Disposable Heroes)
- Spearmint
- Spears, Britney
- Special AKA
- Special AKA (Specials)
- Special Needs
- Special Request
- Specials
- Specials / Amy Winehouse
- Specials / Selecter
- Specimen
- Spector, Ronnie
- Spectrum
- Spedding, Chris
- Speedbird 707 - Zion Train
- Speedway
- Speedy
- Speedy J
- Spektor, Regina
- Spence, Johnnie
- Spence, Joseph
- Spence, Neil
- Spencer Blues Explosion, Jon
- Spencer Davis Group
- Spencer, Sonny
- Sphere
- Sphere3
- Spherical Objects
- Spice Girls
- Spider
- Spillane, Davy
- Spiller (Sophie Ellis Bextor)
- Spin Doctors
- Spinanes, The
- Spineshank
- Spinnerette (Distillers)
- Spinners
- Spinning Wig Hats (Long Ryders)
- Spinto Band
- Spiral Tribe
- Spirit
- Spirit Feel
- Spiritual Beggars
- Spiritualized
- Spit Like THis
- Spititualized
- Spizzenergi
- Spizzenergi2
- Spizzles, The
- Split Enz
- Split Enz (Crowded House)
- Splodgenessabounds
- Spock's Beard
- Spoils Of War
- Spoken
- Sponge
- Spooks
- Spooky Tooth
- Spooky Tooth / Pierre Henry
- Spoon, Dave ft. Lisa Maffia
- Sports Team
- Spotnicks, The
- Spraydog
- Spreadeagle
- Springfield, Dusty
- Springfield, Rick
- Springfields, The
- Springsteen, Briuce
- Springsteen, Bruce
- Springwater
- Sproule, Claire
- Spunge
- Spunks, The
- Spy 51
- Spyro Gyra
- Squarepusher
- Squatters
- Squeeze
- Squid
- Squier, Billy
- Squire, John
- Squires, Dorothy
- St Etienne
- St Etienne Daho
- St. Christopher
- St. Germain
- St. Paradise
- St. Vincent
- stacie
- Stack
- Stackridge
- Stage Dolls
- Staind
- Stairsteps, The
- Stan Bush & Barrage
- Stan Getz / Joao Gilberto
- Stan Getz/ Charlie Byrd
- Stand & Fight
- Standley, Johnny
- Stands, The
- Stanford Prison Experiment
- Stanley Black And His Orchestra
- Stanley Clarke / George Duke
- Stansfield, Lisa
- Stansfield, Lisa Vs Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
- Staple Singers, The
- Staples, Mavis (Ry Cooder)
- Stapleton, Cyril And His Orchestra
- Stapleton, Julie
- Stapp, Scott (Creed)
- Star Spangles
- Star Star
- Star Trek
- Star Wars
- Star Wars (John Williams)
- Starcastle
- Starclub
- Stardrive
- Stardust, Alvin
- Stargazers, The
- Starjets
- Starlight
- Starlight Express
- Starr, Edwin
- Starr, Edwin & Blinky
- Starr, Jack
- Starr, Kay
- Starr, Ringo (Beatles)
- Starsailor
- Starsailor (Ronnie Wood / Rolling Stones)
- Starship
- Startled Insects
- Starz
- Static X
- Staton, Candi
- Status Quo
- Stealers Wheel
- Stealing Sheep
- Steam Engines
- Steamhammer
- Steampacket
- Stearica / Acid Mothers Temple
- Steel Comb
- Steel Mill
- Steel Pulse
- Steel Rules Die
- Steel, Paul
- Steele, Chrissy
- Steele, Harry
- Steele, Tommy
- Steele, Tommy / Frankie Howerd
- Steeler
- Steeleye Span
- Steelheart
- Steely Dan
- Steenhuis, Wout
- Steeple Remove
- Stefan Grossman / John Renbourn
- Stefani, Gwen
- Steinski
- Stella Maris
- Stellastar
- Stellastarr
- Stelmanis, Katie
- Stephane Grappelli / Earl Hines
- Stephen
- Stephen "Tin-Tin" Duffy
- Stephen Gately (Boyzone)
- Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks
- Stephen Malkmus (Pavement)
- Stephen Tintin Duffy
- Stephenson, Martin
- Stephenson, Van
- Steppenwolf
- Stepping Forward
- Steps
- Steptoe And Son
- Sterac
- Stereiogram
- Stereo MC's
- Stereo Scum /Melleefresh
- Stereolab
- Stereolab / Oval
- Stereophonics
- Steriogram
- Sterling
- Steve Cradock (Ocean Colour Scene)
- Steve Gibbons Band
- Steve Hackett (Genesis)
- Steve Harley / Cockney Rebel
- Steve Hillage (Gong)
- Steve Hillage / Glenn Phillips
- Steve Howe (Yes)
- Steve Ignorant with Paranoid Visions
- Steve Ignorant's Slice Of Life
- Steve Lawler Vs Oasis
- Steve Mac & Mark Brown
- Steve Marriott (Small Faces)
- Steve Miller Band
- Steve Morse Band
- Steve The Scotsman Harvey
- Steven Wilson (Porcupine Tree)
- Steven Wilson (Porcupine Tree) / Oceansize
- Stevens, Cat
- Stevens, Connie
- Stevens, Jerry
- Stevens, Paul
- Stevens, Rachel
- Stevens, Rachel (S Club 7)
- Stevens, Sufjan
- Stevie Nicks (Fleetwood Mac)
- Stevie Ray Vaughan / David Bowie
- Stevie Ray Vaughan / Double Trouble
- Stevie Ray Vaughan And Double Trouble
- Stevie Winwood, Jim Capaldi, Dave Mason, Chris Wood etc. (Traffic)
- Stewart, Al
- Stewart, Amii
- Stewart, Andy
- Stewart, Dave
- Stewart, Jermaine
- Stewart, John
- Stewart, Mark
- Stewart, Rod
- Stex
- Stiff Kittens
- Stiff Littel Fingers
- Stiff Little Fingers
- Stiffs, The
- Stigers, Curtis
- Still Life
- Stills Young Band
- Stills, Stephen
- Stills, Stephen / Manassas
- Stills, The
- Stimulators
- Sting
- Sting (The Police)
- Sting / Police
- Stivell, Alan
- Stock Aitken Waterman
- Stock, Aitken & Waterman
- Stockholm Syndrome
- Stockyard Stoics / Filaments
- Stoll, Steve
- Stoller, Rhet
- Stomu Yamash'ta's East Wind
- Stomu Yamash'ta's Red Buddha Theatre
- Stone Foundation (Paul Weller)
- Stone Fury
- Stone Roses, The
- Stone Temple Pilots
- Stone The Crows
- Stone, Angie
- Stone, Angus
- Stone, Joss
- Stone, Lew
- StoneBridge
- Stonegard
- Stones Of Callandish
- Stoney / Meat Loaf
- Stooges / Iggy Pop
- Stooges, The
- Storm, The
- Storrs, David
- Story Of The Year
- Story One
- Storys, The
- STP Twentythree
- Straight Eight
- Straitjacket Fits
- Straker Band, Nick
- Strange Days feat. Steve Harley
- Strange Parcels
- Strange Stone
- Strange, Billy
- Strange, Richard
- Strangelove
- Strangeloves, The
- Stranger
- Strangers / Mike Shannon
- Strangers In The Night
- Strangeways
- Stranglers, The
- Strapps
- Stratovarius
- Strauss / Stanley Kubrick
- Straw
- Strawberry Story
- Strawberry Switchblade
- Strawbhead
- Strawbs
- Strawhead
- Stray
- Stray Cats, The
- Stray Dog
- Straylight
- Streamliners
- Streebeck
- Street Legal
- Street, Lucy
- Streetband
- Streetfighter
- Streets, The
- Streetwalkers
- Streetwalkers (Roger Chapman)
- Streisand / Kristofferson
- Streisand, Barbra
- Streisand, Barbra & Vince Gill
- Stress
- Stress Level & TC 1
- Stretch
- Stretch 'n' Vern
- Strike
- Strike Anywhere
- String Driven Thing
- String-A-Longs
- Strings of Love, The
- Stroke
- Strokes, The
- Strollers, The
- Strong, Barrett
- Strranglers, The
- Strummer, Joe
- Strummer, Joe
- Struts
- Stryper
- Strypes
- Strypes
- Stuart A Staples
- Stud
- Studio 4
- Studio Pressure (Photek)
- Studt, Amy
- Stuff Smith
- Stump
- Stupids
- Style Council
- Style Council (Paul Weller)
- Style Council, The (Paul Weller / Jam)
- Styles Harry
- Stylistics, The
- Stylophonic
- Styvers, Laurie
- Styx
- Sub 45
- Sub Focus
- Sub Sub
- Sub Sub (Doves)
- Subaqua
- Subcircus
- Subcity
- Subhamans
- Subhumans
- Subhumanz
- Sublime
- Subliminal Girls
- Submarine
- Subsource
- Subtle
- Suburban Boys
- Suburban Studs
- Subvoice
- Subwave
- Subway Sect
- Subways
- Sudden Sway
- Suede
- Sufjan Stevens / Angelo De Augustine
- Sugababes
- Sugar
- Sugar (Bob Mould / Husker Du)
- Sugar Hill Gang
- Sugar Jones
- Sugar Ray
- Sugarcreek
- Sugarcubes, The
- Sugarcubes, The (Bjork)
- Sugarcult
- Sugarhill Gang
- SugaRush Beat Company
- Suggs (Madness)
- Suggs And Weller (Madness / Jam)
- Suicidal Tendencies
- Suicide
- Sukpatch
- Sullivan, Jazmine
- Sultans Of Ping
- Sum 41
- Sumac, Yma
- Summer, Donna
- Summer, Donna & Giorgio Moroder
- Summercamp
- Summerhill
- Summers, Gene
- Sun & The Moon (Chameleons)
- Sun Dial
- Sun Ra
- Sun Shine
- Sun, The
- Sunburned Hand Of The Man
- Sundays, The
- Sunflowers
- Sunn O)))
- Sunn O))) / Pan Sonic
- Sunn O))) / Ulver
- Sunna
- Suns Of Arqa
- Sunscreem
- Sunshine Company
- Sunshine, Monty (Chris Barber)
- Sunshot (Curve)
- Sunsonic
- Sunswitch
- Super 8
- Super Eight
- Super Furry Animals
- Super J Lounge
- Super Real Fiction
- Supercharge
- Supercharger
- Superchunk
- Superfine
- Supergrass
- Superheavy (Mick Jagger (Rolling Stones) / Joss Stone / Dave Stewart etc.)
- Superimposers, The
- Superior
- Supernaturals, The
- Supernova
- Superstar
- Superstar Disco Club
- Supersystem
- Superthriller
- Supertramp
- Supremes / Four Tops
- Supremes, The
- Surf Coasters
- Surface Mutants (Cabaret Voltaire)
- Surfaris / Chantays
- Surfaris, The
- Surgeon
- Surgeon / James Ruskin
- Surgeons
- Surgin'
- Surreal Estate
- Survivor
- Susan Cadogan / Ken Boothe
- Susanna Hoffs (Bangles)
- Sussed
- Susumu Arima & Misty Sounds
- Sutherland Brothers & Quiver
- Sutherland Brothers, The
- Sutton, Ralph / Jess Stacy
- Suzie
- SW 14
- Swallow The Sun
- Swamptrash
- Swanhunters / Chakk
- Swann, Bettye
- Swans
- Swans Way
- Swansway
- Swanton Bombs
- Swarb's Lazarus
- Swarbrick, Dave
- Swarm, The
- Sway
- Sweeney
- Sweet (BC's Sweet / Brian Connelly)
- Sweet Addiction
- Sweet Billy Pilgrim
- Sweet Exorcist
- Sweet Exorcist (Cabaret Voltaire)
- Sweet FA
- Sweet Inspirations
- Sweet Jesus
- Sweet Marie
- Sweet Salvation
- Sweet Tee
- Sweet, Matthew (Velvet Crush)
- Sweet, Rachel
- Sweet, The
- Swellbellys
- Swervedriver
- Swift, Jonathan
- Swift, Richard
- Swim Deep
- Swimmer
- Swing Out Sister
- Swingin' Utters
- Swinging Blue jeans, The
- Swinging Laurels
- Swingle Singers
- Switches
- Sword
- Sworn Enemy
- Sybil
- Syd barrett (Pink Floyd)
- Syd Barrett (Pink Floyd) / REM
- Sylus
- Sylvain Sylvain (New York Dolls)
- Sylvan
- Sylvester
- Sylvia
- Sylvia And Ralfi Pagan
- Sylvia Anderson / John Bluthal / David Graham / Paul Maxwell (Gerry Anderson)
- Sylvian, David
- Sylvian, David & Riuichi Sakamoto
- Symarip
- Symposium
- Syn-Dee
- Syndicate
- Synergy
- Syntax
- Syreeta
- Sys'tem X
- System 7 (Steve Hillage)
- System Of A Down
- SYT (Shave Your Tongue / Sabres of Paradise)